Key fact
2,850 people in Stockport have a diagnosis of dementia, an increase of more than 900 over the last five years. There are a further estimated 1,000 people living with dementia who have yet to be diagnosed.
Key information
- 2,850 people have dementia diagnosed in Stockport. There are a further estimated 1,000 people living with the disease undiagnosed.
- There are over 2,200 emergency hospital admissions for dementia and approximately 350 deaths each year.
- There is a significant deprivation profile for dementia in Stockport with rates more than double in the most deprived areas compared to the least deprived areas. Onset also appears to be delayed in the least deprived areas by up to 10 years.
- National evidence suggests the costs of dementia in Stockport are around £135million based on expected prevalence. These costs could rise to £197million by 2030.
Key issues for commissioners
- Prioritising a whole systems approach to reducing smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity as these risky lifestyles have shown to impact on the risk of developing dementia.
- Supporting healthy ageing across Stockport, recognising that preventative approaches that promote self care and independence are essential at every life stage.
- Aim to prevent and delay the need for care whilst responding to the complexity of needs that older people with dementia may have.
- Providing services and housing that are suitable for the changing needs of our ageing population and those with dementia
- Continuing to improve the identification of and support available to those with dementia and their carers.