Stockport Process
Stockport Context 2007-2014
In 2007, Stockport Council and NHS Stockport jointly produced the first JSNA for Health and Wellbeing. The 2007 JSNA analysed a large body of data and identified priority issues for the borough.
The priorities were then adopted by Stockport’s Health and Wellbeing Partnership Board and were integrated into the strategic plans of both the council and the NHS.
In 2011, the Stockport JSNA was refreshed to see whether the priorities identified three years earlier had altered. Priorities were amended in the light of the new analysis and were agreed by the shadow Health and Wellbeing Board.
The needs and priorities identified by the 2011 JSNA have underpinned the development of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and also have informed the health elements of other corporate strategies.
The JSNA findings directly influence the commissioning of health, social care and preventative services, and the intelligence gathered is an important part of the commissioning cycle.
A clear message from both national and North West reviews of the 2007 JSNA was the underutilisation of the JSNA in commissioning processes. Locally, therefore, we tried to ensure that in 2011 the JSNA also supported commissioning more directly – reviews of which can be found in previous papers to the Health and Wellbeing Board.
2015 Stockport Process
In 2014, planning for the next full Stockport JSNA began, with a revision to the governance structure. An initial proposal was agreed by the Stockport Health and Wellbeing Board, which has developed over the course of the project. The current project governance structure is illustrated below:
The scope and mandate of the 2015 JSNA was also agreed:
- The key audience to be commissioners and strategic leaders of health and care in Stockport, along with Stockport HealthWatch and other interested parties
- The key functions to be informing the refresh of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and supporting major transformation and improvement programmes
- The key outputs to be:
- A revised set of priorities for Health and Wellbeing in Stockport
- Analysis setting out key trends since 2011
- Analysis to support the integration of health and social care
- Analysis of vulnerable groups
The project leads’ group has met regularly and overseen the development of the 2015/16 JSNA. The steps undertaken to produce the JSNA have included:
- A SWOT review of the 2011 JSNA
- A review of the evidence to be used in the 2015/16 JSNA including a call for evidence to local provider and voluntary sector organisations in late 2014
- Commissioning of a specific public opinion report produced by Stockport HealthWatch and published as part of the JSNA
- Testing of presentational styles, which has resulted in the production of a series of topic briefings designed to be read and used as stand-alone reports rather than the large data report produced in 2011
- Use of the CCG’s online consultation platform to publish first drafts of each briefing to test the analysis and conclusions with key commissioners and to achieve a shared consensus on key issues.
To develop the final summary report, key findings from each of the briefings and the priorities arising from these were identified.
These were then tested and developed in discussions with the project leads’ group, the Director and Deputy Directors of Public Health and Stockport HealthWatch.
Other key stakeholders were again consulted electronically before the priorities were finalised.