2016 JSNA Analysis
The 2015/16 Stockport JSNA provides an overview of key trends in health and wellbeing arising from the detailed analysis. It collates evidence and intelligence from a range of sources and adds to knowledge collected for previous JSNAs and JSNA topic reports.
This section summarises the findings of the most recent in-depth JSNA analysis, which has been undertaken for a range of topics over the later part of 2015. A series of topic briefings have been developed and consulted upon, each examining trends in health and wellbeing for a particular issue.
Here the findings of each briefing report are summarised, and key information and issues highlighted on a page. The full briefing reports are available to download from their summary pages.
Key topic summaries
Detailed analysis of the major issues in Stockport reviewed in 2015/16.
Health at a glance summaries
One page summaries for the current health status in Stockport for key life stages.
Detailed JSNA needs assessments
In depth JSNA analysis carried out between 2013 and 2015.
Other information
Other information including links to neighbourhood and ward profiles, outcome frameworks and other sources of data.