Key fact

There are 40,000 Stockport residents aged between 5 and 16 making up 14% of the total population. This population is also much more ethnically diverse (14% are not White-British) than older generations (6% at age 65 and over).

Childhood mortality

9.9 DSR per 100,000

Tooth decay

23.7% of 5 year olds with decay experience

Hospital admissions

53.9 per 1,000 emergency admissions
23% injuries and poisonings

Excess weight

18.6% of reception children
29.8% of Year 6 children


58.3% achieve 5 A*-C GCSE’s

Lifestyles by age 15

16.5% were drunk in past month

Long term conditions

2,600 with asthma

Lifestyles by age 15

13.6% physically active

Key information

  • The childhood mortality rate in Stockport (2012-14) is similar to the national average.
  • Stockport school aged children have lower rates of overweight and obesity combined than the England average.
  • There are significantly fewer children in need in Stockport than in England.
  • Stockport children have similar GCSE results (5 A* to C grades) to the England average.
  • Hospital admissions for injuries, in those aged under 15, are higher in Stockport than the England average.

Key issues for commissioners

  • Although rates of overweight and obesity are lower than national averages those in the 40% most deprived areas of Stockport are significantly more likely to have excess weight than the Stockport average.
  • For children who are eligible for Free School Meals the performance gap rises from 26 percentage points at foundation stage to 41 percentage points by key stage 4.
  • Safeguard the most vulnerable children and young people and families so that they have the opportunity to thrive.
  • The acute care of young people, especially for injuries, asthma and self-harm, needs to be dealt with appropriately and opportunities to promote prevention maximised.