Key fact
Throughout the summer of 2014, HealthWatch Stockport was tasked with gathering the views of the public on what an ideal health care system should look like so as to contribute to Stockport’s Joint Strategic Needs’ Assessment.
Key information
- The highest occurring topic was access to appointments.
- 18% of people wanted good communication and information.
- The attitude of staff and the ability of staff to listen were a high priority for many people.
- 15.5% of respondents referenced joined up and integrated services.
- The majority of responses from BME and LGBT groups referenced support and attitude.
Key issues for commissioners
- Provide services and housing that are suitable for the changing needs of our ageing population and those with specialist needs.
- Continue work to integrate and improve care systems, especially minimising the use of unplanned hospital care .
- Understanding the size and needs of our vulnerable and at risk groups and using JSNA intelligence to inform the appropriate levels of response.