Key fact
The vast majority of Stockport residents are within easy reach of a GP surgery and pharmacy. The net effect of people crossing local authority borders to access GP services is that Stockport imports around 2,700 patients.

Key information
- Health services within Stockport are well distributed with concentrations in the town centre and main district centres.
- People who live to the west of the borough are more likely to use hospital provision outside of Stockport.
- There are over 13,000 people registered with a Stockport GP who do not live in the borough.
- Just over 11,000 Stockport residents are registered with a non-Stockport GP.
- 43% of housing schemes are managed by Stockport Homes, a company set up to manage the council housing stock.
Key issues for commissioners
- An ageing population and planned significant private housing developments in the area will place additional pressure on existing health services. Health and care service provision may need to be reassessed in these areas in the future.
- Although care homes and specialist housing provision for older people are spread throughout the borough, regular reviews of the capacity of these will need to be undertaken in light of the ageing population.
- A comprehensive assessment of the full range of services offered by independent providers in the area has not yet been undertaken.